Hydration Tips to Wake Up Your Metabolism

Hydration Tips to Wake Up Your Metabolism

It is the first day of the Shake In the Summer 6 Week Challenge, so let’s kick it off right by waking up the metabolism! I wanted to share a few of my quick tips to stay hydrated and boost your metabolism as we jump into the hot summer months.

Hydration is an essential key in making sure your metabolism is functioning at its best, and will also ensure you have the energy and focus to tackle your day and accomplish great things! On top of that, your muscles consist of approximately 90% water, so making sure you are hydrated is key in supporting muscle development, healing and ultimately – fierce fat burning that comes from increasing your lean muscle mass! That’s one reason we #letitshake and #letitchange!

Here are some top tips to keep you hydrated and don’t worry – there are more options than just chugging that water!

1) Make sure you drink at least 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water per day.

2) Try infusing your water with cucumber and fresh mint OR your fruit of choice. Mint is one of my favorite things right now and will instantly refresh you!

3) Make a refreshing peppermint spritzer by brewing organic peppermint tea and adding a few splashes into some plain sparkling water. Add stevia to taste if desired.

4) Eat to hydrate! Toss together a salad with spinach or leafy greens, radishes, avocado and tomato and top it off with fresh lemon juice and olive oil. 

Most fruits are also very hydrating! A favorite in our household is kiwi fruit which is loaded with Vitamin C and other essential nutrients.

You can also check out my post on tea and my cleansing and calorie free lemonade recipe if you are looking for more fresh ideas!

What are some of your favorite ways to stay hydrated?

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