Fitness Posts Page 2 of 10

2 Week Booty Blast Challenge
This quick 2 week power packed challenge will be kicking off JULY 18TH!! I am so excited to emphasize the back body for this upcoming interim challenge. As a modern culture, we usually spend far too much time sitting, rounding the back, sitting on top of our “tails” with an internal rotation of the arms,…

Barre Moves to Sculpt the Booty!
These classic barre exercises can be done anywhere (no actual barre required). Warm up, grab a mat and light hand weights (1 to 5 pounds), and use your smartphone as a timer to get your burn in this week. Tabletop Knee Lift With hands underneath shoulders and knees underneath hips, place a light weight behind…

Does your Barre Training Need a Rev Up? Try this Boot Camp!
This Barre Boot Camp workout was recently featured on! Barre workouts have been trending for many years and there is good reason! They are amazing, super challenging, addictive, and, for us women, quite feminine. (Don’t worry, guys, while they are feminine feeling for us, they are incredible cross-trainers for you! So man-up and try…

Lower Body Barre Blast
I was recently hired on as a contributing fitness expert with emphasis in barre for Fitness Magazine and this workout was recently featured on! The great thing about this lower-body barre workout is that you can do it just about anywhere—even on vacation! Based on thigh and booty moves from BarreAmped classes and DVDs, this workout will…

Classic Barre Single Move | Leg Lift
Recently one of my SBF Facebook Group members (aka, SBFF) asked me what a good barre exercise was that she would do with issues with knees. While this exercise might not be the best for everyone with knee issues, it’s certainly one we use in BarreAmped when clients can’t bend knees or put weight on…

Happy Mother’s Day! | Barre Workout With My Daughter
Here is a quick and simple barre routine to do with your kids. I will set up the exercises and you can make sure they are in good alignment. (I will give you tips!). And then, once you have it down, you can do it with them. Make sure your children are warm before beginning…

Quick Abs Workout Taken From BarreAmped Fire Extreme Sculpt DVD
I am so happy to choose some of my favorite moves from my newest DVD, BarreAmped Fire Extreme Sculpt. You can do these three moves a few times a week to work your front core after you are warm. *It is imperative that you warm up your body all over before you do moves that…

Total Body Exercise Ball Workout
Begin this workout with a warm up, such as a five to ten minute walk. You will need a mat and an exercise ball. Mine is 55 cm. You can find the link here: Exercise Ball Starting with the ball just underneath your hips and hands underneath your shoulders, take legs out wide and turn…

Side Lying Hip Lifts | #favoritemove
This is literally one of my favorite all time moves. I love how it works that area of the outer upper back around the bra (Lats), the waist (Obliques), outer and upper hips (Glutes), and outer thighs (Hip Abductors). You can do it slowly with control OR if you’re strong, you can speed it up…

Prenatal Relaxation Stretch
Proper breath work is important at all stages of life but especially important during and after pregnancy as it pertains to pelvic floor and abdominal health. Through years of study, I have come to believe less in static Kegel exercises to maintain healthy pelvic floor tone, and more in breathing exercises that work the diaphragm,…
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