Lifestyle Posts Page 6 of 6

Eco Cleaners
If you have been using conventional cleaners for fear that eco friendly ones are either too expensive or do not work, then you will love the news I am about to share. I have found a company called Shaklee who makes the most amazing, affordable cleaning products on the market. Oprah credits them as some…

BarreAmped Promo Video
I had so much fun shooting this video with Jesse Koska. He also built our website and keeps us updated on all our techie things! The day of the shoot was our BarreAmped Extreme Marathon where clients came and worked out for an amazing two hours. Such great energy that day. We raised money for…

Alternative to Expensive Bottles of Water
I am not opposed to buying a bottle of water every now and then so that I can stay hydrated. I do it often. But I do feel a bit guilty buying water in a plastic container all the time. Recently I switched to glass. Not only is it healthier (as it contains no BPA)…

Little Big Town Working Out With Suzanne Bowen
Hey, check out my video of the girls from LBT working out with me in my studio. They are AMAZING. And talented. My faves!

BarreAmped & Traveling
I feel SO incredibly blessed to be able to travel around this country (and soon beyond this country) teaching my BarreAmped method. I meet the most amazing fitness instructors who are excited to learn a wonderful technique that gives tremendous results fast. I have recently added BarreAmped Boot Camp and BarreAmped Fire to the classes…
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