Advanced Archives - Page 28 of 36 - Suzanne Bowen Fitness


Nov 14

fall/winter 17

Nov 13


Nov 13

favourites collection

Nov 13

Silvia’s plan

Nov 13


Nov 13

Becoming my best self

Committed to becoming strong, lean, flexible and beautiful

Nov 13


Aug 26

Shake in 4 Advanced Workout Plan

This 4 day per week plan is great for shaking things up and getting a power packed workout 4 days out of the week. You will alternate total body, upper body and lower body along with cardio and interval training. This is a great plan if you are short on time!

Aug 21

Mind Body Glutes, 21m

Mind Body Glutes

This mind-body glute workout uses alignment and breath to connect the pelvic floor to the abs to the disphragm/spine to glutes. Contains no warmup but you can do this without a warmup if you are advanced and flexible. Listen to your body, breathe, reset. You’ll need to be at a bed/sofa for this.

Jul 7

Advanced Barre Bootcamp Workout Plan