Classic barre workout on JumpSport trampoline with barre. Make it harder by going lower in your positions. This doesn't have to be easy! Have fun!...
Classic barre workout on JumpSport trampoline with barre. Make it harder by going lower in your positions. This doesn't have to be easy! Have fun!...
This regular workout can be done during pregnancy. Support baby with pillow underneath and be sure to use support of arms to get down and up from floor. No warmup. Requires tied band, light weight, or looped band....
Enjoy this interval based workout with Salome and Paris! If you don't have a trampoline, you can jog, run in place, or dance while she jumps. You will need something to hold onto. :)...
Natal has a blast jumping to "Stressed Out" and doing football intervals. No trampoline is required but sure makes it more fun! ;) He picked out his outfit and was very proud of it....
I will lead you through a basic Barre workout and point form tips out on Tina as you work out with her. This should help you correct any mistakes you could be making and not realize it and is GREAT for beginners to barre! :)...
Merry Christmas, girls and boys. Here is your Christmas workout with Salome and me. You will need something to hold onto. Have fun! xoxo Suzanne and Salome....
Have fun with this hilarious festive Chipmunk Christmas workout....