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Message from Suzanne
What a time we are going through and having right now! Collectively and personally… as we all have our own personal lives and struggles and triumphs and all this is going on for most of us under quarantine. As I type this, I am wanting to let you know that I am going to quarantine…

COVID-19 Update + Special Gift
If you are like me, you are in a bit of a state of shock with how things have changed almost overnight in our country and world. It is easy to give in to fear but we must not! A great way to avoid the stress of major unknowns with our health and economy and…

Suzanne’s Testimony
I often ask you to share your testimony or your story with our community. To open up and encourage, inspire and learn from one another. It’s time for me to do the same. I wanted to share with you my journey into fitness, my struggles with body image and how I used to deal with…

I Will Never Stop Fighting For This Message
I will never forget a few years back when we were editing videos to add to the streaming library. I saw a few of the videos and immediately starting beating myself up about my body and my baby abs. The very same body that carried my two beautiful children. The very same body that carries…

My Battle with Body Dysmorphia
Looking back at this image, I will never forget how I felt about myself. Pretty much obsessed with being as thin as I could. This was taken in my mid 20s and I am standing next to my brother on vacation. In the video below, I talk about my experience at that time and then…

When Did We Accept That It Was OK To Be So Hard On Ourselves?
I absolutely love the New Year because it feels like a fresh start, a clean slate, and a world of potential and opportunity. Why is that wonder so quickly stomped on by our fear of not living up to our own expectations? Do you ever make New Year’s resolutions or goals and find yourself getting…

Spring Into Summer 4 Week Boot Camp Begins May 7th
We are so excited to kick off the 2018 Spring Into Summer 4 Week Boot Camp Challenge on May 7th! This will be a community plan that you can follow as an SBF Streaming Member. You can complete this entire challenge for just $14.99! JOIN NOW TO PARTICIPATE! You will receive: A custom workout plan…

5 Barre Workout Moves Using a Chair
These 5 Barre workout moves will have your muscles shaking and leave you feeling refreshed and energized. Make sure to listen to your body and take breaks as needed! Let’s get started. 1. Wide Second Equipment All you need for this workout is a chair. Optionally, you can use a mat under your feet. Target…

Restore & Release Challenge | 1/8/2018
This time last year, I was heading into 2017 on a mission to “detox the stress.” And to be honest, I fell flat on my face! Last year was one of the most stressful years of my life! I seemed to accomplish very little yet, it ended on tremendous revelation and hope. We moved around…

Crunchless Abs Workout
Did you know that many muscles, including the glutes, lower back, upper back, and quads to name a few, contribute to the look and strength of your abdominal wall? Did you also know that you don’t have to go around pulling your abs in all the time to have a strong midsection. In fact, this…
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