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Tea Time
I wanted to share my love for tea with all of you and let you know why I feel they are so important to incorporate into your everyday routine. Below I share some of the benefits of drinking tea and some of my all time favorite brands! Benefits of Tea 1. Antioxidants- Tea is incredibly…

Transformation Tuesday
Below is Sara’s story of change during one of our SBF challenges. Be inspired! I rejoice with my final measurements! In six weeks, I have lost 5.6 inches! The majority of my weight loss has been seen in my glutes, arms, and neck. I probably would have lost more inches if I have initially measured…

Lower Body Barre Workout
Last week I had the honor of guest teaching at Cal-a-Vie Resort and Spa in Vista, California. It was my 40th birthday and I chose to start the year off with my own renaissance. I was fed local organic foods which never disappointed. I worked out with amazing teachers and guests. I took new-to-me classes…

90 Day Live Your Life Challenge
We are so excited to kick off the 90 Day Live Your Life Challenge! Join others from all over the world that are coming together to workout, learn how to envision and set goals for their lives, implement action steps to reach those goals, dive deeper into quality nutrition and living to their full potential!…

Fit In 40 Holiday Challenge Finalists
We had such a tough time deciding that we chose FOUR finalists for the Fit In 40 Holiday Challenge! Now it is up to YOU to decide who the grand prize winner will be! Read and watch their testimonials below then head to the Suzanne Bowen Fitness Facebook Page and comment on this post with…

The Ultimate Christmas Wish List
She’s making her list, checking it twice… Do you need help finding the ultimate Christmas gift idea to ask for this year? Look no further! We made it easy for you and the men in your lives! Check out the SBf Christmas Wish List that we created to make this year extra special. Visit the…

Christmas Stretch for Children
Having massively struggled with body image in my past and having to still check my mind’s thoughts often about how I should look and age, I think it is so important that my daughter be taught to value herself not in the eyes of the world but in the Light of who she really is–…

Want Great Abs?
Taking time to build your core strength is not only key in getting great abs, but vital to improving your balance and stability and will also help to protect your spine. Click Below to work your core with me or follow the printable workout above!

Fit In 40 Holiday Challenge
Join our Fit In 40 Holiday Challenge and receive motivation, recipes, over 100 streaming workouts, a printable calendar with workouts each day and accountability! If you are a new member your first two weeks will be FREE! Click here to join the Challenge!

Congratulations To Our Winner!
The Grand Prize Winner of the SBF Be Your Best You Transformation Challenge is… Ewa Zyto! Read her testimonial below and see her physical transformation in her before and after photos. It feels strange to admit, but I am surprised how I feel at the end of this… And the reason is, instead of feeling…
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