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Ways to See a New Number on the Scale
As I began my third week with my BarreAmped testimonial group in my studio in Franklin with weigh-ins, I was struck with the pressure women have to lose weight and be thin. The women in this group are with me to make a lasting change. So with the scale, there is pressure! Weigh-ins are both…

Are You Working your Arms Today? Make Sure Your Curl Is the Best!
You might already know what I believe about exercise but if you don’t or if I may reiterate, form is everything when it comes to getting the best and fastest results. Here is a very quick video for doing Biceps Curls. Make sure your foundation is solid, you engage the powerhouse and keep your movement…

Thinking of Juicing? Try Green Star!
I love our Green Star Gold-GP-E1503 Juicer. It is by far the best juicer on the market for the home consumer. My family has juice regularly and this machine not only juices but we can make frozen desserts as well. If you are in the market, prepare to be set back about $599 on the…

Tips for Adding Balancing Exercises to Your Workouts
I am a big fan of working at the level that you can perform well. Of course I want to push myself and work really hard but I also listen to my body and I try to understand 1/ What muscles or body parts are supposed to be working 2/ What the exercise is and…

Matcha, the Quintessential Japanese Green Tea that You Should Be Drinking
Take a teaspoon of Matcha and put in a flat bottomed bowl. Use a whisk to break up clumps. Add a couple tablespoons of tepid water. Combine until smooth. Add either hot (not more than 175 degrees) or cold water. Sweeten to taste. Enjoy the vegetal beauty of this amazing, cancer-fighting drink!

The Right Way to Do a Side Lunge
Lunges with one leg straight (either a side lunge or a front lunge) are a great way to work your thighs and your glutes. But you want to make sure your form is perfect to keep yourself safe! Check out this free advice for form in side lunges.

Thinking of Juicing?
Juicing is a great way to get nutrients, and a lot of them, into your body fast. There are many health reasons to juice. You can get high doses of nutrients fast. It is important to try to juice local, in season, organic vegetables and fruits. Always “eat” your juices on an empty stomach. I…

Free Form Advice for Working the Back of the Shoulders
Working the back of the shoulder is important but often done poorly. You should always pay close attention to form. Make sure you bend your knees, hinge the pelvis over the legs, maintain a neutral spine and move through the proper “plane.” Hopefully this video will help you get better results and help you improve…

Superfood Salad Dressing
I am always in search of delicious salad dressings because I love and live on salads. I stumbled upon this one by accident and I am slightly obsessed. I don’t like conventional salad dressings by themselves (at all) as I usually think they are too strong. Often I simply use a little high quality olive…

Form for the Side Forearm Plank
Form is key to all exercise but especially key to any of the plank exercises. In this video I teach you how to set up the Side Forearm Plank which will work the arms, shoulders, back, core, hips and inner thighs. You can use this form reference in the Gorgeous Core workout!
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