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Quick Free Lean Arm Workout
All you need for this workout is a few minutes and a light set of weights. (I used 4 lbs). Definitely watch your form, find your base and keep connected to your Powerhouse!

Get Better Results Faster by Getting into the Fire
Do you want to get better and faster results? Well, I want to help you! One way is to work in the “fire” as I call it. You want to learn how to stay in the muscle you are working to exhaust and fatigue it faster. Watch this video to understand what I mean!

Why Should We Be Eating Seaweed?
In honor of St Patrick’s Day, I am going to talk about green things. You know I love green things. Kale, chard, spinach, broccoli, romaine, teas, spirulina, Amazing Grass Energy, basil, cilantro and the list goes on. I even liked the green peas that I made to go with our salmon last night. (Not usually…

Why I Want You to Drink Green Tea
Who hasn’t heard about the benefits of drinking green tea? I know that for years I was hearing all about why we should be drinking it but for the life of me couldn’t figure out how to make it palatable. I would buy some from Whole Foods and boil the water to 212 F and…

Tight Lower Back? Try this Stretch
This amazing spine twist can help ease a tight lower back. Listen carefully for the form cues as it is important to keep the opposite shoulder down as well as keep the knees as tight up into the chest as possible. Thank you for following!

Need a Quick, Free Core Workout? Try this Side Plank Series!
I love planks and love the way they give you more bang for your buck when you think about how to work your core. With planks, you are working upper back, shoulders, arms, hips, etc. This is a really quick free workout I made for you but don’t look too closely. My throat was sore…

The Proper Way to Do a Lunge

10 Ways to Save Money on Your Grocery Budget
This is a guest post from Lori Winter, who blogs about healthy & natural living at Laurel of Leaves. She’s put together a great list of tips for saving money on food — something I know will be of interest to all! 10 Ways to Save Money on Your Grocery Budget Limit eating out at…

Why Vibram FiveFingers?
So have you been wondering about Vibram FiveFingers? Have you wondered if you should switch from more supportive shoes to a more barefoot style? Well, I was fortunate enough to interview my friend, chiropractor and national health celebrity, Dr. Josh Axe, about these very things and got his views on why we should be wearing…

Vibram FiveFingers Giveaway
Do you love Vibram FiveFingers? Or have you ever wondered what it would be like to work out in them? Would you like to have a pair to experience what I, and most of my friends, consider the best shoes for working out? Well, now is your chance. For the next two weeks we are…
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