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National Strawberry Day? Choose Local Seasonal.

Tight Hips? Try this Stretch
This is a great way to open your hips after all those booty workouts!

Working your Hips? FREE Form Advice
When you are working your hips (glutes, hamstrings, low back), you need to pay special attention to form. As you know, I am a form form form teacher and without the proper form, not only will you not get the ultimate results but you could get hurt. Think to yourself, when I want to do…

So How Do You Do the (Sometimes Elusive) Pretzel?
This is a perfect way to start doing the Pretzel. This basic workout is a foundational explanation of the exercise and is KEY for getting the right results. Often people let their knee drift forward so that they can “move the leg” and this, my friends, is cheating and is often what you find in…

Pain Free Neck During Abdominal Mat Work
So many of you have written to me asking me about neck issues when you work your abs. This could be happening for the following reasons: 1/ Your lower back is tight and when you are in your supine (that means face up) ab work, no matter the exercise, your lower back tightness inhibits the…

Five Minute Ab Workout FREE!
Here is a great, quick, effective ab workout that doesn’t neglect the lower back. Enjoy and let me know if you feel it in the next day or two! Make sure not to pull on your neck and not to lower the shoulder carriage all the way down to the mat to relax. You should…

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Get Better Results by Having Good Form in Pushups
Would you like to know how to get better, faster results when you work your upper body with planks and pushups? Rather than thinking about how many you do or how long you do them or how advanced your positions can be, you need to pay attention to your form. Here are three reasons to…
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