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Side Lying Hip Lifts | #favoritemove
This is literally one of my favorite all time moves. I love how it works that area of the outer upper back around the bra (Lats), the waist (Obliques), outer and upper hips (Glutes), and outer thighs (Hip Abductors). You can do it slowly with control OR if you’re strong, you can speed it up…

Spring Into Fitness | 6 Week Challenge
We are so excited to announce the Spring Into Fitness Challenge kicking off on April 4th! We are doing this challenge a little different to make sure you receive all of the important details, exclusive info and the workout calendars. To participate simply enter your email address below if you haven’t already signed up! It’s that…

Prenatal Relaxation Stretch
Proper breath work is important at all stages of life but especially important during and after pregnancy as it pertains to pelvic floor and abdominal health. Through years of study, I have come to believe less in static Kegel exercises to maintain healthy pelvic floor tone, and more in breathing exercises that work the diaphragm,…

Neutral Spine | How’s Your Form?
Through years of study and research, I now have a better understanding of the role of abdominal muscles, core strength, and back positioning in terms of posture and fitness. What I have learned has greatly improved how I teach my online fitness classes, create my DVDs, and develop the content of my method, BarreAmped. Gone…

BarreAmped Fire Extreme Sculpt Digital Download | Behind the Scenes
Hooray!! The digital download of the BarreAmped Fire Extreme Sculpt DVD is now available. Download your copy HERE… Use coupon code FIREDIGITAL to receive 20% OFF for the next 24 hours! If you would like the physical copy be sure to get it HERE! If you already have it we would be so grateful for your review on…

Love Your Back Valentine’s Workout
Here is a quick mat workout to target this area. Make sure you are warmed up with a five to ten minute walk or jog, or add this targeted workout on to another cardio or strength workout. You will use your breath to focus the movements, so don’t rush anything. Listen to your body and…

Trimming & Slimming Sweet Treats
Salome, my eleven year old daughter, has always wanted an Easy Bake Oven. I had one as a child and most little girls want them but I always had concerns with the ingredients in the cake mixes and the fact that the oven takes up quite a bit of space. She was given a small…
Month 2 Schedules | New Year’s Challenge
The New Year’s Challenge is off to an amazing start! I can’t believe we are already wrapping up month 1. As we move into the month 2 you will notice that we are kicking it up a little! There is a beginner and advanced option so you can choose according to your fitness level. If…

Killer Abs Fitness Ball Workout
For this workout, you need either an SBF or BarreAmped Ball that is specifically sized for the nature of this workout. Other balls may work but they must be around a seven inch ball and squishy. Make sure you are warm before beginning this routine. You will want to work out on a mat/soft surface.…

Releve – How Is Your Form?
When you lift your heels in any barre work or fitness class, you want to make sure you are in proper alignment to keep your ankles and knees (as well as hips, lower back, etc.,) safe. Here are some tips: Height of Heels When you lift your heels up and you find you cannot raise…
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