Total Body Exercise Ball Workout

Total Body Exercise Ball Workout

Begin this workout with a warm up, such as a five to ten minute walk. You will need a mat and an exercise ball. Mine is 55 cm. You can find the link here: Exercise Ball

Back Extension-1

Starting with the ball just underneath your hips and hands underneath your shoulders, take legs out wide and turn them out (externally rotate) at the hips. Extend feet. Inhale.

Back Extension-2

On exhale, lift legs up into a slight but strong back extension.

Back Extension-3

Pull heels and inner thighs together. Repeat 10 times.

Works: Arms, shoulders, lower back, abs, hips, inner thighs and hamstrings.

Pilates Push-Up On Ball

Walk hands and body forward so that the ball is more underneath the thighs. Make sure your core is strong and your spine is neutral. (Notice the natural curve in my spine and the natural shape of my abs above).

Pilates Push-Up On Ball_2

Walk hands and body forward so that the ball is more underneath the thighs. Make sure your core is strong and your spine is neutral. (Notice the natural curve in my spine and the natural shape of my abs above).

Inhale and bend the elbows straight back keeping arms close to rib cage. Exhale lift back up to the top. Repeat 10 times. (Make it easier by keeping the ball more underneath the hips; Make it harder by rolling the ball out toward shins but don’t sacrifice form).

Works triceps, chest, shoulders, abs, and lower back.

Wide Chest Push-Up On Ball

Separate arms wide with fingers pointing forward and hands in line with shoulders.

Wide Chest Push-Up On Ball_2

Inhale and bend elbows slightly back and out to the side. Exhale and lift back up to the top. Repeat 10 times. (Make it easier and harder the same way you did in the Pilates Push-up above).

Works chest, shoulders, triceps, abs, and lower back.

Knee Pulls

Bring hands underneath shoulders again. And walk out so that ball is directly underneath the lower thighs, knees, and upper shins. Inhale.

Knee Pulls_2

Exhale and curl knees toward chest allowing the spine to flex. Press back out. Repeat 10 times.

***Stay strong and don’t let the back sag as you take the legs back out to the start.

Works: Shoulders, chest, abs, hip flexors, and lower back.


Pike Extension

This is a bonus move. Only attempt this if you are strong and have great form. If you don’t feel ready now, it’s okay! You can work up to this.

Hands under shoulders, ball under lower thighs, knees, and upper shins. Inhale.

Pike Extension_2

Exhale and lift hips up toward ceiling while ball rolls toward ankles and tops of feet.

Pike Extension_3

Inhale and roll ball back in toward hips while you extend the spine and gaze up. Repeat up to 10 times. Listen to your body here and make sure you are ready for this intense challenge.

Works: Abs, quads, hip flexors, lower back, rhomboids, lower traps, chest, and shoulders.

Lat Presses

Begin on knees in a kneeling position with palms together and ball underneath lower forearms.

Lat Presses_2

Inhale and roll body out over the ball with a firm foundation on your upper forearms and elbows. Exhale and roll back in. Repeat 10 times.

Works: Lats (outer back), rhomboids (middle back), shoulders, triceps, abs, and lower back.

Back Body Lift

Lying upright on the mat, bring lower legs and ankles on top of the ball. Inhale.

Back Body Lift_2

1. Exhale and lift hips up with the broad part of the upper back wide across the mat. (I.e., don’t lift hips so high that you are on your neck).

Back Body Lift_3

2. Inhale while keeping hips lifted and bend knees bringing heels toward glutes.

Back Body Lift_4

3. Exhale, and lift hips up with lower shoulder blades lifting (but weight is still broad across upper back and shoulders without excess weight on neck).

Back Body Lift_5

4. Inhale, lower hips down.

Back Body Lift_6

5. Exhale, take the ball out. Repeat moves 1-5 up to 10 times

Works: Hamstrings, glutes, lower back, and calves.

Neutral Abs Ball Lift

Place ball between the legs making sure to keep the ball between the ankles in inner soles of the feet. Feel the natural curve of your lower back and stabilize that with your core muscles. (I.e., Don’t press your lower back into the mat. Maintain the natural curve with your legs and core strong).

Neutral Abs Ball Lift_2

Inhale and lower your legs without allowing your lower back to change at all. Exhale, lift legs back up to the starting position. Your back should never move. This is all about your deep abdominal muscles and hip flexors.

(Make it easier by releasing the ball and only moving the legs an inch or two. Also, bend the knees. Make it harder by lowering the ball toward but just above the floor).

Works: Abs, inner thighs, flexors, AND lower back as a stabilizer.

Repeat up to 10 times. Release ball and draw legs in toward your chest.

Breathe and rest. Great Job!

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