You Can Love the Skin You Are In

You Can Love the Skin You Are In

You have GOT to hear me on this. Because this is my passion! Stop Obsessing. I used to hear that all the time. I used to be obsessed with my thighs and guess what. I am NOT ANYMORE! And there is so much freedom in that. You are not your thighs (or butt or your waist or your face!). Every day you waste on this is one less day to enjoy your health and the skin you are in.

Did you know that no one is perfect? Sure, some people are blessed with more beautiful genes but so what! Who cares? Those same people who you think are so beautiful (the models in NYC) are probably starving themselves obsessing.

This doesn’t mean that you just stuff your face with whatever suits you. Or you sit on the sofa and watch another backbiting reality show. This means that you are given choices which you control every day. Here are my Top Five Choices for my day:

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