Work your upper body on the unstable surface of the trampoline mat by using light hand weights. If you feel unstable, you can do the workout on the floor.
Work your upper body on the unstable surface of the trampoline mat by using light hand weights. If you feel unstable, you can do the workout on the floor.
This short target is created to change your day! If you’ve been sitting or driving, this one is great to open the front of the legs/hips with less quad work and more seat work. If you’re quad dominant, this one is for you! (Has a warmup!).
We bounce and then move into Foldover Pulses on Releve'. I turn profile but you can face either way. No audio verbal cues....
You will need a chair, water, a mat, and light weights for this workout. Little set up so you need to know the exercises though I will give you cues! Please forgive me for how hard this was for me....
Bounce to warmup. Stretch with no visual or verbal cues. Take precaution with the standing split on the trampoline. Watch it once first and then modify if you need to. You have to know the stretches I teach to do this well without my verbal cues....
Bounce and shake with Parallel. There are no audio verbal cues in this workout. If you don't have a trampoline, you can dance and then do Parallel when I do....
No audio cuing in this combination of single song routines for lower body. Advanced, especially in the Seat and Stretching portions....
This beginner to intermediate BarreAmped BC class incorporates cardio intervals to rev up your heart. You'll need weights, a mat, and something to hold onto. Don't forget your water! ;)
Fast paced arm workout using a set of heavy and a set of light weights. There is a short warmup. I suggest 6/3 or 5/2 or 4/1. If you want, have your weight assortment and drop down when you need to. But challenge yourself and insist on good form. Listen to your body. Don't strain.…...
Total Body Barre Class. All you need is light hand weights, a mat, something to hold onto, and water. Have fun!...