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Holiday Workout (and Elf Contest!)
One of my most beloved part of Christmases is watching Elf. In fact, rather than going out Trick or Treating this year, my kids chose to get a toy from Target and watch Elf. It kicked off the Christmas season albeit a little early. Don’t worry, we didn’t put our tree up until the day…

My Pilates Style Magazine Shoot
What an honor to have been asked to shoot a BarreAmped workout for Pilates Style Magazine at the Pilates Method Alliance Conference in Palm Springs, CA. I had such a great time and met the amazing new owners who have recreated the magazine with precision, good intention and good form. Just like the Pilates method.…

Consumed with Food? Try this
If you find yourself constantly overeating or, worse, being completely consumed by food, try this simple quick stretch to awaken the mind-body connection. Becoming aware of your physical body can help you shake things up and change your mind and consuming thoughts. You might also try drinking a tall glass of pure water, taking a…

Booty Burn Workout
This is a short Booty Workout I did for Jess at Fit Chick in the City… Follow her for great tips on fitness in NYC (and beyond!). This workout is inspired from my method, BarreAmped, and will help you lift a flat butt and tone a flabby back upper thigh. Listen for my cues on…

Green Tea and a Two Year Old
There is nothing that I love more than establishing cool eating and exercising habits with the most important people in my life. My kids! My daughter craves broccoli and my son loves green tea. Matcha Green Tea, that is. You must whisk this tea before adding all the water and he loves helping. The more…

Tanastacia… My Favorite Spot…
One of my favorite places in Nashvile is my tanning salon of choice, Tanastacia. Wait, before you judge me, this is a chic boutique paraben free spray tanning salon! I don’t visit tanning beds nor do I step foot in one of those disgusting spray machines! I did that once and looked like I had…

Skinny Mannequin, Eat Something!
Nothing makes me madder than this anorexic mannequin showing off a swim suit in a boutique I was in on a recent trip to Palm Springs. When I saw it, I quickly grabbed my iPhone to snap a shot for you. Because you must hear me! You don’t need this or any emaciated model or…

Healthy School Snack Ideas
I admit, this one can be tough. But as much as I want to grab the bagged organic cheese crackers for my daughter’s lunch, I try my best to stop. Not only is buying pre-packaged food more expensive but those crackers are not healthy, organic or not. Here are things my children will eat. Organic…

Trying Something New
When you’re on vacation, why not try something new! For me it was riding a bike for the first time in eight years. We were staying in Redondo Beach and we borrowed bikes. We rode along the beach from Redondo to Venice. It took us an hour and a half to get there. We stopped,…

Back of Leg Stretch
When you stretch the back of the leg, you need to make sure you are not rounding your back, turning out your hip, or bending the stretching knee. Back: Do not round your back to stretch your back of leg. You want to keep the lower back straight. (You are more than welcome to stretch…
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