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Special Offer!
If you’ve been considering the purchase of a rebounder this is a great opportunity! You will receive JumpSport® Trampoline with free Handle Bar & BarreAmped Bounce DVD plus Extra 10% Off with Code as well as free shipping! This is a great deal if you’ve been wanting to try out some of the new streaming bounce…

My Favorite Bounce + Benefits of Rebounding
Easy Side to Side Bounce Hop on your JumpSport Fitness Trampoline and lightly bounce side to side for three minutes. Between every strength move done on or off the trampoline, bounce like this for one minute to create fun, low impact intervals. To follow an interval program like this, try BarreAmped Bounce DVD (Intro below)! When we combine…

How Long Do I Need To Workout For Best Results?
The question I get most frequently (besides what kind of workouts I do or is barre the only thing I do) is about how much or for how long I work out daily. People are generally surprised by my answer. “Sometimes ten to twenty minutes a few days per week. Anything longer, like hiking or…

BarreAmped Bounce Workout Schedules
I am very excited about the release of my latest BarreAmped DVD called BarreAmped Bounce where we use the bungee style JumpSport Fitness Trampoline and attachable and adjustable handlebar to create a unique barre space. Using the JumpSport trampoline and “barre” can honestly rev up results and take all the dread factor out of working…

BarreAmped Bounce DVD Is Now Available!
I am SO excited to announce that our newest release, BarreAmped Bounce, is now AVAILABLE! You can order your copy on Amazon today! This is quickly become my absolute favorite way to work out! BarreAmped Bounce is a fun, simple, and challenging collection of classic barre routines done on a JumpSport Fitness Trampoline. The trampoline creates…

12 Week Detox the Stress New Year’s Fitness Challenge
Happy New Year! I am so excited for 2017 and all it holds for SBF and BarreAmped and I am most excited that I get to share all of that with you! On January 16th we will be kicking off the 12 Week Detox the Stress New Year’s Fitness Challenge. We will be spending the…

These Are A Few of My Favorite Things
I filmed this review a fair bit earlier in this season and still have high regard for these companies, especially Lucy Activewear (well made, technical, and for all women), and Onzie (edge and price), and Kira Grace (best high neck tops), and Sarah Todd (my favorite leggings ever especially paired with my well worn, money’s…

Shopping Local at The Fermented Farmer
I am not sure about you, but I am growing more and more in love with fermented foods. There is something about knowing an item is very healthy for me to help me love it in spite of a sour, spicy, or tangy taste. As my taste for ferments grows, I begin to crave them!…

Gratitude & Giving Holiday Challenge
I am so excited to kick off the Gratitude & Giving Holiday Challenge on Monday, December 5th! I talk about it a little more in the video below so be sure to check that out! I completely let the Thanksgiving season fly by. Between shooting, traveling, and a busy schedule planning for the new year, it…

Cyber Monday Deals + Limited Edition SBF Tervis Tumbler
Happy Cyber Monday! I’m so excited to release our LIMITED EDITION custom SBF Tervis Tumblers today! We are offering 25% OFF the Tumblers today only! These have a lifetime guarantee as well as some of our favorite identity sayings including: Give Yourself Grace It’s About Progress, Not Perfection You Will Never Attain Perfection, So Stop…
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