I was always incredibly active growing up and played sports in high school so I never really paid attention to my metabolism, nutrition or “staying fit” because it was just a normal part of my everyday. When I went off to college I discovered that you have to really be intentional about staying healthy and taking care of your body or it will quickly catch up with you. I went through an emotionally trying time and I turned to food more often than not for comfort. I had no energy, slowly had to buy a new wardrobe and my confidence was plummeting. I became very recluse and just wanted to hide away. What kind of a way is that to live?! I gained 40 pounds in the course of 8 months and felt every bit of it. I slowly began to make changes in my diet and began exercising again. I saw positive changes with weight loss, but my mind was still not in the right place. I began obsessing and stressing about every pound. My weight naturally fluctuates a bit so you can imagine I almost drove myself crazy. I had such an unhealthy view of what health and wellness and “staying fit” should be. It wasn’t until I got married and moved to Tennessee that I found SBF and Suzanne’s method BarreAmped. I was looking for something to help tone and strengthen, but little did I know my mindset and life was about to radically change. I have found a new freedom and confidence that I never even realized was missing. SBF is also the first fitness method that I have tried that teaches impeccable form within the movements, which has helped to alleviate pains I thought were “normal” and keeps my body safe from injury, while toning like nothing I’ve tried before. My husband will tell you that my legs have never looked better and I will tell you I have never felt more free from the shackles of chasing perfection. I rejoice in the body that God has given me and will continue to work to make it stronger and more effective! I am eternally grateful to Suzanne and her method for teaching me how to be thankful for my body, to strive to be the best version of myself and given me the tools to continue to improve! I love this community and can’t tell you how much I look forward to working out. I feel incredibly blessed to now work as a part of the SBF Team and help support this method that has not only changed my life but thousands like me.