Barre 15, 18m

this target workout is for the thighs in all directions! You will need something sturdy to hold onto for balance. This workout does include a warm up!
this target workout is for the thighs in all directions! You will need something sturdy to hold onto for balance. This workout does include a warm up!
This is an intermediate barre workout that is focused on working and toning the lower body! You will need a mat, something sturdy to hold onto for balance and a band to use at the end for stretching. #shaketochange...
This is a classic barre workout that will have you shaking and burning! All you need for this workout is something sturdy to hold onto, a mat to workout on and a light set of hand weights. If you are just beginning listen to my modifications. Don't forget that form is key with barre so…...
This lower body workout will alternate working the thighs and the seat. This is a challenging and fast paced workout so if you are just beginning you may want to start with a different target. If you are up for the challenge let's shake! You will need a mat to workout on and something sturdy…...
This workout is about burning fat, building lean muscle, and overall toning and sculpting with classic lower body barre work and cardio. You will need something to hold onto for balance like a countertop or the back of a sofa and a mat to workout on. I also always recommend you keep water close by!...
This is a lower body workout to lift and tone! All you will need is a mat and something to hold onto for balance. Listen to my modifications if you are just beginning and watch your form as that is the key to great results in barre workouts! #formfocus...
This intermediate barre workout will have you shaking and burning! You will need a mat to workout on, something sturdy to hold onto and some water. Let's shake!...
This cardio interval workout includes barre moves to lift and tone while burning fat. You will need something sturdy to hold onto for balance and support, water and a mat. You can wear shoes if they have a flexible sole. If you are barefoot make sure you are on a soft surface or your mat.…...
This barre workout is all about full range of motion with very controlled motion and small range of motion being very present in the body to shake, burn and change! You will need something sturdy to hold onto. Watch your form and listen for my modifications if you are just beginning!...
This classic barre workout will have you shaking and burning! You will need a mat and something sturdy to hold onto for balance. If you are just beginning listen closely to my set up and modifications as form is key! :) #shaketochange #barre...