Advanced Archives - Page 33 of 36 - Suzanne Bowen Fitness


Sep 26

Lower Barre w/ Ball 2, 19m

This is a thigh and seat target. This workout is an intermediate/advanced so listen for my modifications if you are just beginning. You will need a mat to workout on, something sturdy to hold onto for balance and a SBF ball. If you do not have a SBF ball you can substitute with a towel....

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Sep 24

Adv Lower Abs w/ Ball, 10m

This is an advanced core workout. You will need a SBF ball, light set of hand weights and a mat to workout on. This is very challenging so if you are just beginning you may want to choose a different target....

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Sep 24

Adv Low Abs Tutorial/WO, 15m

This is a tutorial to go along with the Adv Lower Abs w/ Ball, 10m workout. This video is designed to make sure you understand the proper form for the moves in this workout. Form is key!...

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Sep 19

Arms w/ Ball, 15m

This workout is all about the arms with some inner thigh work added in. This is a fast paced intermediate workout. You will need a light set of hand weights and the SBF ball. The ball is optional so if you are just beginning focus on the upper body....

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Sep 10

Triceps, 15m

This is a target for the triceps or upper back arm area. You will need a mat and some hand weights. It is ideal to have a heavier set and a light set for this target....

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Sep 5

Lower Body Barre 3, 37m

This is a lower body barre workout. You will need a mat, something to hold onto and some water. If you are a beginner listen for my modifications as these classic barre moves can be very challenging and proper form is key to getting great results!...

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Aug 29

Stopwatch Plank 3, 16m

This is an advanced plank workout that targets your entire body. Listen to my modifications if you are just beginning. This workout is challenging for me! All you will need for this workout is a mat....

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Aug 22

Shoulders 2, 10m

This is a quick, sleek and sexy shoulder workout! All you need is a set of hand weights. There is not warm up with this target so you will either need to add it onto the end of a workout or begin by doing 60 knee lifts....

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Aug 13

Lower Body Barre 2, 35m

This is an intermediate lower body barre workout. If you are just beginning listen to my modifications. I do offer a lot of set up in the video. You will need a mat to workout on and something to hold onto for balance....

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Aug 8

Lower Barre w/ Ball 3, 25m

This is a killer leg target workout that is quick and effective. I will be incorporating the SBF ball, but if you don't have one you can still do this routine. The ball will help engage the inner thighs and the back of the legs for an intense challenge. You will also need a mat…...

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