Parallel Thigh Bounce Single Song by Toto


Bounce and shake with Parallel. There are no audio verbal cues in this workout. If you don't have a trampoline, you can dance and then do Parallel when I do.

Total Body on Ball


Work deep upper, middle, and lower back muscles as well as triceps and glutes in this unique workout requiring fitness ball and mat. No Warm Up.

Outer Hips


We’ll use a 10″ or so loop around the lower thighs to build strength in the upper/outer glutes. If you don’t have a loop, you can tie an exercise band to make it a reasonable resistance for your strength. My loop is pretty strong. Make sure your loop isn’t too long even if it is strong because you need to keep resistance at all times with the proper set up. No Warm Up! Be warm for this one!

Inner Thigh Fire


This more advanced standing inner thigh workout requires flexibility and strength but can be done at a more basic level IF you listen to cues. May need to hold something for balance.

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